Small Committee Chairs


An organization member appointed by the BOD to lead a particular committee. The committee chair is responsible for conducting routine committee meetings and guiding the committee through agenda and action items. The chair is responsible for keeping committee members accountable and to progress the goals of the committee. The small committee chair provides updates on the progress of the specified committee to the assigned BOD Committee liaison. The committee chair may be, but is not required to be, a BOD member.


Able to commit to required/specified meeting intervals and lead the group. Effective communication skills and leadership qualities. Any organization member may present themselves to a BOD member to volunteer for this role.


1 year commitment required. May continue as the chair for additional one year term at approval of the BOD and with majority approval of current standing membership committee for which they chair. May be removed as chair at any time with BOD majority vote.

Contact any Board Member if you are interested in being a Chair!