Research Grant Committee
Board Liaison: Dan Velasquez
Small Committee Chair: TBD *Small Committee Chair Requirements & Tenure
The Grant Committee will review applications provided from the Grant Committee Chair. The committee will determine whether the application fits the criteria of the key competencies that describe what a successful application looks like using the DACUM Application Review Guidance document. The Grant Committee will determine what applications move on for Board review and approval.
Committee Responsibilities
- Review
- Review Incoming Applications
- Review Additional Paperwork Accompanying Applications
- Analyze requested amount with summarized budget
- Compare
- Compare Application to the Application Review Guidance Document
- Determine the merit of various applications based on the model application template
- Suggest
- Suggest revisions to research plan that would help application better match the Key competencies of the Application Review Guidance document.
- Encourage members to submit application ideas
Time Commitment
- 5-10 hours/ month on application review
- Meet as a committee quarterly (virtual) to discuss applications
Click here for more details about the CETA Research Grant Program.
Click here to fill out the Volunteer Committee Application.